Supporting Each Other

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Several people have written asking me if I would post these. And so here they are.

The first article appeared on the front cover of “The Westerly Sun”. 

Here is a video from Marilyn Dayton’s, TV show “From This Corner”.

This is an interview from Ed Cardinal’s “Talk Radio With Heart & Soul”, WRNP 1320 AM Radio Providence, RI”:

An article will be coming out soon in “The Resident,”  so be sure to look for it.

Thank you very much for your interest. I truly appreciate it.

Please know that I am happy to answer any questions that you or a loved one may have. My goal is to help as many people as I can, knowing what it’s like to be told you’re going to die — by five neurosurgeons- – or that you have cancer and have to get a mastectomy — though I knew I didn’t — and to have loved ones walk away, which is not an usual thing for someone with cancer to experience. I belong to an online support group and have learned that people leaving friends diagnosed with cancer is unfortunately pretty common. We even have a nickname for people who suddenly leave — “Road Runners” — because they take off pretty quickly, just like the cartoon character.

I know how important having support is and to know that people care. Sometimes it’s easier to talk to a stranger, since they don’t know us and aren’t in our lives. Please pass the word and whenever someone you care about is diagnosed with cancer or any serious disease, please tell them they can find me, someone who cares and understands, by simply going to my website and using the contact form.

Sending my Love and Peace,


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